Late Fees Settings

This article will guide you through the available Late Fee Settings and explain the meaning behind each one, so you can choose which ones to turn on and which ones to turn off to match your business requirements.

You can find the Late Fees Settings in the Settings section within the main menu bar:

On the following page:

  • Is late fee engine enabled - turning on this option will activate late fees on the account
  • Hold late fees on weekend - Just wanted to let you know that no late fees will be applied to an invoice due Monday through Friday. 😊
  • Resume late fees on restart - If the system is deactivated for any reason when you reactivate it, any invoices that should have had a late fee applied will do so
  • Post as a new Invoice - Late fees will be added to the existing invoice if you choose to keep them separate. Selecting this option will create a new invoice with the late fee amount. 😊

Tax Code & Late fees account - These options will be synced from your accounting platform. Please select the most appropriate one.

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