Invoice Reminders Settings

This article will provide a concise overview of the crucial settings available in Invoice Reminder Settings


  • Send reminders to all email addresses of a customer
    • If blue all customer emails will be sent reminders. If left grey, reminders will only be sent to the primary email address.
  • Include invoice attachments with reminders
    • If there are attachments associated with the invoice in the account platform, please enable this option so that your customers will also receive them along with their reminder.
  • Invoice PDF attachment
    • There are three options available. Please select the most suitable option for you.
  • Reminder "reply to" email address
    • Here you can provide an internal email address for customers to communicate with you regarding a specific reminder.
  • Reminder "Bcc" email address
    • If you wish to receive copies of all reminders sent, please provide your internal email address here.

Reminder Flow

  • Combine invoice reminders into a statement
    • Option to send a consolidated statement to your customer for multiple invoices. For example, instead of sending three separate reminders for three invoices, you can send one reminder with a link to all three invoices.
  • Send invoice-ready emails for automatically paid invoices
    • If your customer is on automatic payment and you would like them to receive a gentle reminder, toggle the option from grey to blue.
  • Show credit memos on statements
    • When utilizing credit memos, please enable this option to allow your customers to view their credit memos as a line item on their monthly statements.
  • Minimum invoice amount due to send a reminder
    • This feature enables you to send reminders to customers selectively based on a specified threshold amount.


  • Hide the "powered by" logo on reminders
    • On the footer of the reminders, you have the option to choose not to display the following:

  • Personalize email reminder footer
    • Here you can add the internal details that you wish to appear on the footer of the reminders.


  • Send last reminders when resuming system
    • If you pause the system upon reactivating it, would you like to resend the last reminders that were sent by the system? If so, please enable this option.
  • Delay invoice-ready reminders by
    • If you wish to delay sending reminders for any reason, please specify the timeframe in minutes here.
  • Send reminders on your preferred schedule
    • Here you have the option to select the time of day and the day(s) of the week for sending your reminders.


Email Domain Authentication

You will require the following text if you intend to display the sending domain as your own and not InvoiceSherpa. Note: Please contact your provider for any setup-related inquiries.

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