How to Create/Update a Customer Group

This article will outline the process of adding and modifying Customer Groups. These groups can be utilized to schedule invoices, facilitate automatic payments, and manage late fees.

  • Navigate to the Customers section.

  • Located on the left-hand side of the page is a drop-down menu.

- Utilizing the dropdown menu above, please select "Add new customer group"

  • The subsequent pop-up will be displayed. Subsequently, enter the name of the Customer Group and select "Save".

Now you can assign your customers to the created group.

  • To modify or add customers to a Customer Group, you need to select the customer(s) that you wish to assign to different Customer Groups.

  • Utilize the drop-down menu situated on the left-hand side of the screen to select "Change Customer Group"

  • Choose the Customer Group where you would like the customer(s) to be placed. Proceed by clicking on "Set Customer Group".

Your customer has now changed Customer Groups. A notification will briefly appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen confirming that the customer group has been updated. Please refer to the details below:

You can also confirm which group your customer(s) are in on the Customers page. See below:

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