Creating a late fee schedule

Let us navigate to the "Late Fees" section by clicking the tab from the menu bar.

To create a late fee, just click on the "Add Late Fee +" tab located on the far right.

In the pop-up dialogue, you just need to fill in the following fields. Easy!

  • Days Past Due - This indicates the number of days after the due date that you would prefer to start applying the late fee.
  • Recurring Fee Schedule: If you plan to apply a late fee until the invoice is paid in full.
  • Fee Type - You have four options:
    • A set dollar amount
    • A percentage of the outstanding invoice
    • The higher amount between a set dollar amount and a percentage amount. For example, if the dollar amount is $10.00 but the percentage is $12.50, then the percentage amount will be applied.
    • Or you can charge both a set dollar amount and a percentage amount.
  • Once you have clicked "Save Late Fee", you will receive the following confirmation box.

Here's a quick overview of your schedule based on the selections you've made. 😊

In the following two sections, you'll see any recent charges and pending future charges. 😊

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