InvoiceSherpa - Platform Messages

  • You have exceeded your open invoice quota. Your account may be automatically upgraded to a bigger plan on your next billing cycle

  • You have exceeded your open invoice quota. Your account will stop syncing new invoices. Please contact customer support.

  • You have used _% of your open invoice quota. Your account may be automatically upgraded to a bigger plan if you exceed your quota.

  • Your subscription is _. The system is paused.
    • Update your payment method by going to the "Plans & Billing" tab under "Settings", then contact support to release the account.

  • You do not have permission to perform this action.
    • Certain actions can only be performed by "Owners" of the account, for the complete list of actions an individual can perform please visit - User Management - Access Roles Defined

  • We could not process your request at this time. Please try again later, or contact support if the issue persists.
    • On rare occasions, we may perform maintenance work during normal business and you'll encounter this message, please try again in 30 minutes

  • You don't have permission to do that.
    • Certain actions can only be performed by "Owners" of the account, for the complete list of actions an individual can perform please visit - User Management - Access Roles Defined

  • There were problems with your input. Please correct them and try again.
    • This message will appear when making a payment on an open invoice and the digits that have been input are not valid.

  • You have made too many requests. Please wait before trying again.
    • When accessing your account if the username or password has been entered incorrectly you'll see this message

  • The invoice you have selected cannot be paid at this time.
    • This message appears when trying to open an invoice that has already been paid/closed.
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