How to set up Automatic Payments

Establishing Automated Payment Protocols

This article will outline the process of creating Automatic Payment Rules. These rules are essential for enrolling your customers in Automatic Payments. The article will discuss the five different types of rules that can be created and provide instructions on how to create them.

  • Proceed to the Automatic Payments Settings, located in the Settings section within the main menu bar:

You will be directed to the following page:

  • Please choose the invoicing day you'd like by selecting from the dropdown menu.

Please note that invoices processed through automatic payments must follow the same schedule; personalized charge dates for customers are not allowed.

  • Next, you are required to choose the type of rule you would like to create. There are five distinct rule types at your disposal:

All Invoices: This functionality will automatically process payments for all outstanding invoices from customers who have active and valid stored payment methods.

Specific Customers/Customer Groups/Invoices:  These options are all configured similarly. The differentiation among them is based on the designated recipient of the rule. You can define a rule for a specific customer, a customer group, or an individual invoice.

Proceed by selecting the green "Add New Rule" button:

When utilizing the drop-down menu, kindly choose the category of rule you desire to establish (Customer, Customer Group, or Invoice). Afterwards, indicate the designated recipient of the rule. For example, if it is intended for a Customer Group, locate the group's name.

Upon clicking "Save Rule," your rule will be successfully created. All rules will be showcased in the "Automatic Payment Settings" section as illustrated below:

Once the rule is established, it is imperative to also verify that the stored payment method is configured for automatic payments. This can be accomplished by selecting the "Click to Enable Automatic Payments" button located adjacent to the customer's payment details.

The final rule pertains to invoices that are designated as recurring in your Accounting Platform.

For this rule to be effective, the invoice must be designated as "recurring" in your accounting platform. Please refer below to identify the appropriate field to indicate the term "recurring":

  • QuickBooks users are required to insert the term "recurring" in the "message on invoice" field.
  • Xero users should enter the information in the reference field of the invoice.
  • Clio users should enter the information in the memo field of the invoice.

These invoices will be recognized as Automatic Payments after your first synchronization. To choose this rule, select the option below:

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